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Oprah, Jerry,Larry


In June 1998, she was named one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th Century by Time Magazine. In 1997, Oprah was named Newsweek's most important person in books and media and TV Guide's "Television Performer of the Year." She has also received seven Emmy Awards for Outstanding Talk Show Host and nine Emmy Awards for Outstanding Talk Show. In addition to having an informative talk show she also has a book club appropriately titled the Oprah's Book Club. There is also a magazine, O, The Oprah Magazine, a monthly magazine that is the personal-growth guide for the new century. Oprah's magazine is credited as being the most successful magazine launch in recent history. O, The Oprah Magazine gives confident, smart women the tools they need to explore and reach for their dreams, to express their individual style, and to make choices that will lead to happier and more fulfilled lives. O, The Oprah Magazine is another medium through which Oprah can connect with her viewers and provide possibilities for transforming their lives. .
             Larry King Live.
             Called the "master interviewer" by Entertainment Tonight, Larry King hosts one of CNN's consistently highest-rated programs, Larry King Live. The only live international phone-in television talk show, Larry King Live is telecast each weeknight from 9 - 10 p.m. (ET) and includes phone calls from viewers around the world. Larry King Live debuted in 1985.
             Larry King Live has made headlines with interviews with such newsworthy guests as President Bill Clinton, Marlon Brando, Michael Jordan and Yasser Arafat. King's famed NAFTA debate between Vice President Al Gore and Ross Perot in 1993 obtained the highest cable rating in CNN history outside its Gulf War coverage. His extensive interviews with the major political candidates made Larry King Live a particularly noteworthy part of the 1992 presidential campaign. King also hosts Larry King Weekend, which airs every Saturday night from 9 - 10 p.

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