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The Distribution of Political Power


             When we talk of class, we generally focus on differences based on income. It normally ignores measure of wealth, distorts and masks maneuvers. There is a big diversity within class measures, and it cuts across ethnicity, race, religion, sexuality, gender age and more. The disparity in income among working class creates division and plicate by avoiding class consciousness from providing and developing measures of disposable income which creates the illusion of individuality and prosperity. In fact, in US the notion of majority classifying themselves as "middle class," is common regardless of income levels attached to them. In the Unites States, working class people are by far the majority of the population. Over eight-eight million people were in working class occupations in 2002, comprising 62 percent of the labor force (Zweig 2004, 4). But when we base class in terms of power, instead of the lifestyle or income than working class is automatically large. Class is not only having the impact domestically but on international affairs such as trade, war and power sharing globally. Class divisions even extend to foreign affairs, affecting the rules of international trade and investment, the structure of alliances, definitions of friend and foe, and the decision to make war (Zweig 2004, 10).
             In almost all democracies in the world, men are highly overrepresented in powerful departments both in public and private arenas. This has created labor market discrimination, from the findings; there is evidence in gender discrimination in the product market (Ayres, 1995) and in hiring (Goldin, 2000). Low participation in political affairs, powerful elites that are traditionally male or internal dynamics in the organizations that favors men could be some of the reasons why women are greatly under-represented. In addition, there is also a notion of the public disliking to be represented by a woman, this has left a woman to be poorly represented.

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