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Socioeconomics and Childhood Perceptions


That being the case, there are substantial advantages and disadvantages in socioeconomic status that effects one's perception regarding society.
             What are the disadvantages that children encounter in low impoverish community as opposed to rich communities? Living in poor neighborhoods imposes a substantial impact on one's lifestyle. For instance, the quality of education is far more overlooked; thus, children are not sufficiently educated to their fullest potential. In addition, they are more prone to outside factors that can hinder their ability to fully grasp what they are being taught in school; such as, drugs, gang association, and family's income. In poor communities, children occasionally lack the understanding about the value of money. For instance, in the passage, Ms. Moors explains to the children" And Miss Moore asking us do we know what money is like we a bunch of retards. I mean real money, she say, like its only poker chips or monopoly papers we lay on the grocer." That is to say, that there's a lack of comprehension in the value of money in low-income neighborhood, as well it being unequally distributed. Moreover, unethical biased practices affects children's perception regarding how the quality of life should be experience equally. As a illustration, in the passage "Who are these people that spend that much for performing clowns and $1000 for toy sailboats? What kinda work they do and how they live and how come we ain't in on it? Where we are is who we are, Miss Moore always pointin out." Apparently, there is a lack of knowledge about what jobs do people in high income perform, and also; why can't minorities be provide with the same opportunities to open valuable business in minorities' neighborhood. Consequently, the children are astonished about the price of a sailboat which they are not normally accustomed to seeing or having. This experience goes to show that they're a significant gap between the perceptions of socioeconomic status.

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