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Society of the Italian Renaissance Period


People started to speak Italian by the early 1700's. ("Italy." Britannica School. Encyclopedia Britannica.).
             The Renaissance was known for many advances in politics and medicine. Andreas Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci dissected human bodies and made the first anatomical drawings. This helped people understand the human body to a more complex level. Bodies of criminals or 'sinners' were often used for research. In 1628, William Harvey formed a theory that states that the heart acts as a pump that pushed blood throughout the body which regulates respiratory breathing. Before the Medieval period came to an end a large population of Europe was taken out by the Black plague. As doctors and pharmacists studied and became more familiar with the body and how it functions they were able to come up with cures for world-wide diseases. Knowledge from Arabic writings were taken and used to develop ways to put an end to sickness. Minerals and herbs were mixed together to make a formula for antibiotics. These vaccines are what stopped the black plague from spreading any further. (History of Medicine.).
             The Renaissance brought forth many achievements to music and architecture. During the Renaissance art and music became big in its own power. When the Renaissance first came to Italy, medieval times were just coming to an end. The style of Baroque took the medieval style over completely. When the middle ages ended, cities, and buildings were all small with nearly no color or life to them. When the Baroque style came about cities were transformed into large, colorful, geometrical hotspots. There were festivals around every corner and music was played all over. Music was a humongous part of the Renaissance. Baroque became the major style of music starting in the 1500's. The characteristics of Baroque music are: A strong bass line, emotional melodies, rigid formal design, modern tonality and rhythm vitality.

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