This method has been found to be cost-effective and often cheaper than usual care (Musiata, 2014). Cognitive therapy has potential to improve access to evidence-based therapies, and to overcome the prohibitive costs (Marks, 2003).
Another developmental theory has its roots with Erik Erikson. He was heavily influenced by Sigmund Freud and Freud's early exploration of psychoanalysis. However he didn't focus on sexual interest as Freud but rather believed that social interaction and experience Erikson provided insight into the physical, emotional, and psychological stages of development. By doing so he has aided the task of training an infant with connections to brain function that play a decisive role. This help complete the primary task of learning it is safe to trust. Those working in the social service feel understand the importance of developing trust as a most crucial task. In working with others, the therapist will make certain that the client uses a healthy process and completes tasks. .
Erikson's work advanced an eight-stage theory of human development from birth to death. In each stage, one is faced with developmental conflict that impacts functioning and growth. He also felt that culture and society, with conflict adding negative factors, were a primary role in development. Erikson discussed how as crisis is successfully resolved we develop properly. This motion describes developing a sense of identity, establishing trust, and helping others prepare for the future. Erickson believed that by focusing on adaptive and creative characteristics one could develop through a lifetime.
Sigmund Freud's name has been heard by anyone who has heard of psychology. Many of his methods and theories are very different from those currently in use, far reaching has been his influence on many academic and societal norms. According to Freud, the mind is divided into three basic areas: (1) the ego; (2) the id; and (3) the super ego (Freud, 1991).