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Fantasy in The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies


In the scene where Thorin and his dwarf companions are standing on top of The Lonely Mountain watching the Elvish army approach, Bilbo Baggins approaches them to plead for a negotiation. Here you can see how much smaller hobbits are compared to dwarves which is another example of the different races of creatures Jackson depicted in the film. The audience can see his disproportionately large feet that are particularly hairy which is another example of a character with human features that we can relate too but the fantasy elements of his small stature and large feet remind us that it is make believe. In fantasy fiction there is almost always a conflict between good and evil, and on the other hand of the good Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits and Mankind there are the evil characters including the Orcs and The Dark Lord Sauron. The Orcs are grotesque looking and are like nothing we would ever see in this world. The head of the Orc army Azog lost his hand in battle which has been replace with a sword he utilizes as a weapon, he is also covered in scars from battle and wears a torn loin cloth making his characterizations evident he is not only evil but a fantastical creature unique to middle earth. The idea of a fantasy world is shown through Tolkien's attention to the diversity of the characters reflected in their different patterns of diction and tone. .
             The special effects that the director uses effectively transports the audience to Middle Earth as it assists in making the fantasy genre come alive. The opening scene involves the dragon Smaug attacking Lake Town and its defenseless town people. Dragons are mythical creatures so Jackson used CGI, or computer generated imaging, to bring the menacing beast to life which results in an effect element contributing to the fantasy theme. His voice is a deep, inhumane and threatening because of the growl the voice actor Benedict Cumberbatch utilizes.

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