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Crime Scene Case Investigation


Fingerprint number three had a Central pocked loop, right hand ring finger in which was Gerry. Fingerprint number four had a radial loop, left hang Index finger in which was Janice. Fingerprint number five had an ulnar loop, right hand pinky finger in which was, Ann. This was the first step in proving Janice's death was deliberate not accident. It shows that someone else was in her apartment at some point of time and at the time of her death for sure because it was a print in blood. .
             The next type of scientific test I completed was a poison test. I used a few small cuvettes to start with. The first one I filled with de-ionized water. The second I filled with regular juice. The third one I filled with the juice that was found in the glass on the scene. I used a Spectronic 200 Visible Spectrophotometer to test poison n levels. They were no position found, .45 fore store brought, and .49 for the one found at the scene. Based on the results Janice was not poisoned. .
             The next test I chose to do was a toxicology test. First putting a small amount of the poison solution onto a watch glass using a pipette. Then I dipped the poison test strip into my poison solution. The paper turned blue meaning poisons existed. Then I repeated the process with Janice's urine it did turn blue meaning there were traces of it in her system. .
             The next test I chose to do which I should have started with was the hand writing analysis. The mayor had each of the people who knew Janice to write their full names, contact information, home address, occupation, and other things on a sheet of paper. Only they did not know that they actually were just submitting handwriting samples to compare to the suicide note. If we would have told them what they were doing they probably would have altered their handwriting. So I took the handwriting samples and compared them to the suicide note. I looked for common letter formats and size. Also I looked for neatness, and the weight that was used to press down on the letters.

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