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The Calm after the Storm


When the storm over so is the affair. She is more happy with her wife and mother role, and acts like nothing even happens. This storm shows us that there is a sense of healing throughout this story. That affair heals the two feelings towards one another and also heals the doubt in their marriages and makes them both really happy. .
             Chopin challenges a traditional marriage in the story. When one begins to read the story, shows there is a normal relationship with the wife and husband but then Calixta seems happier during the affair because she is freed from her wife duties. Clarisse (Alcees' wife) also feels happier and relieved when Alcee tells her that she could stay another month in Biloxi. When one reads "Her first free breath since her marriage seem to restore the pleasant liberty since her maiden days. Devoted as she was to her husband, their intimate conjugal life was something which she was more than willing to forego for a little while(563)." it shows that Clarisse is faithful to her husband but she doesn't really enjoy their intimate married life. Both of these women don't find happiness with their married life. They feel more freed and happy when their husbands are away. After the affair had taken place and the storm was over it seems like Calixta was a lot happier with her marriage. The affair made her married life a lot better and opened her eyes to just how much she loves being a wife and mother to Bibi and Bibinot. Bibi and Bobinot even notices the difference in the way she is acting and they are happy that she is. They like that she is more at ease with everything and has a bright smile on her face. It seems like the affair with Alcee was weight lifted off her shoulders. Chopin pretty much suggests abandoning or going away from married life for awhile to have some freedom and rid of oppression that this might cause to woman. .
             Chopin makes the affair out to be something joyful and non-regretful.

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