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Sociological Imagination and Dilemmas of Youth


An issue or public issue means it is a collective or public understanding. It involves bigger institutions, statistics and groups of people with the same norm, values and beliefs. In the instance that we see a rise in the statistics of abortions it is obvious that there is an issue within that society and that education on safe sex and contraceptives could be the main reason for this. There is a clear divide when it comes to the opinions of abortion and if it is ethical or not, and if it should be legal or not. This could influence the individuals decision whether to do it or not. This will be further explored. Sociological Imaginations helps us to view one's society as an outsider rather than only from the perspective of personal experiences and cultural biases. This will help to objectively observe situations and it is important to remove any personal emotions and judgement out of the equation. .
             Personal problem different from social issue - Personal problems deal strictly with the individuals issues facing each person, recognizing that every person is completely different from the next. So for every person the reasoning behind an abortion and the reasons there for are different. The emotions and feelings of human beings are unique to that individual. Each person has their own beliefs, norms and values. Religion will also have an impact on the decision and once again religion is something that is personal it is a personal relationship. Perspective is limited primarily to her immediate situation. Every person is entitled to make their own choices and exercise judgement over their own body. Therefore society does not play a role whether one can go ahead with abortion as it is now legal, according to "the choice on Termination of pregnancy Act, implemented in February 1997 and amended in 2004. Others may not agree with the choice of abortion due to the fact that society shaped their point of view.

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