If looked at closely the woman in the ad has breast augmentation which is not something that can be produced by eating protein bars. Detour's ad can be seen as distorting the perception of beauty, by making women feel they need to look that way. .
The print ad does not show that it takes a healthy diet, and exercise regime to attain that figure. Instead, it proposes that eating the protein bar will have any woman having a body like the woman in the ad. Detour uses this ad as "a method of advertisement based on selling a concept rather than a product" as seen in The Ideology of Consumption: The Challenges Facing a Consumerist Society (Jansiz, 5). By selling the physique of the woman, detour creates a false need which in turn creates a supply for their product which boosts capital. One thing that detour does with its ad is play on the positioning of the model and the product itself. By centering the model as the brands narrative "the ad reinforces a naturalization of the dangers of unregulated neoliberal corporate capitalism" (Weiser, 10). Thus showing that the relationship is based on false needs, woman do not need the product nor do they need that body as perfection does not exist.
Furthermore, the need for some women to look like the model in the detour ad can become over consuming. Women who become over obsessive with body image can result in major health concerns such as anorexia and bulimia. In False beauty in advertising and the pressure to look "good" written by Jo Swinson for CNN she states that "one study found that one in four people is depressed about their body another found that almost a third of women say they would sacrifice a year of life to achieve the ideal body weight and shape." Advertisers such as detour condition women to think that they need their products "it encourages them to literally purchase who they are or who they want to be" (Gasher, Skinner & Lorimer, 40).