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A Twist on Hollywood Heroes


A prince departs from his palace and arrives at the dwarfs' house, instantly falling in love at the sight of Snow White "corpse." He pleads for her coffin, and on his way she awakes after the apple in her throat is dislodged. He expresses his love for Snow White, returns home with her, and they have a wedding, where he rescued her from her stepmother forever by killing the stepmother (Grimm). This fairytale is a great example of the traditional male prince charming and the journey of being a "knight in shining armor." Though there was no real act of bravery, the prince took Snow White out of her misery and rescued her from her evil step mother, ideally earning his label as a "hero" for his noble actions.
             Heroes in a sense are a reflection of the individual who views him/her as one. Heroes' adventures are only meaningful if we can relate to their struggles and anxieties (Indick). Hollywood has adhered to that and has exceptionally created a hero that anyone can relate to and can root for. Hollywood has neglected the idea of a male hero, creating a heroic female, who possess brave and warrior characteristics. "The heroine journey begins with a rejection of traditional feminine values" (Indick). In the movie, Lara Craft: Tomb Raider, the producers did an excellent job of introducing the modern-day archetype of a hero. Lara is an attractive woman, which initially disregards the cliche of a male superhero, who uses her skilled combat moves to annihilate her enemies or anyone who gets in her way of getting the triangle of life. Lara possesses a kick-ass demeanor and an independent attitude. In the beginning of the movie, she is battling a robot like creature and is seen rolling around and shooting guns to defeat it by any means necessary (Lara). That particular scene displays the bravery and fighter in her. The female character Lara Craft played by Angelina Jolie quickly abandons the stereotype of a woman being dependent, sensitive, and emotional.

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