This might of been one of the most challenging articles to both write and deliver. The message is deeply routed and emotional, two things that are very hard to get readers to sympathize with. LeBron James did not return to Cleveland because of the possibility to win more championships, because if that is what he wanted he would of used a little more logos to make his decision which would of been to stay with what has been working. Sometimes logic will take you in the wrong route. Using your logic restricts you to only measurable things, such as, in this case, championships, awards, and sponsorships, but one thing one can not measure is happiness and emotional connection. .
How do you measure someones satisfaction? You can't. Instead LeBron emphasized the importance of pathos and what Cleveland meant to him and why his return was so important not just for himself but also for the city of Cleveland, and for the children that looked up to him to succeed in life. Although, Lebron doesn't fail to mention his personal reasons for his return, like wanting his children to grow up in the same area as he did, his primary message got across to the NBA fan base very properly and finely. LeBron's message was not about himself but about himself creating and instilling a better future for many unprivileged children. "In Northeast Ohio, nothing is given. Everything is earned. You work for what you have."1 The voice of ethos that LeBron carries is eminent in the above statement. LeBron finished his article with the above statement and there couldn't have been a statement that sums up LeBron's message anymore. He understands the power he has and wants to use that power to strongly influence kids to be better than what they think of themselves, he wants to make them believe there is hope, because there is. He was once that kid in Northeast Ohio without a father that managed to work for everything from the bread on his dinner plate to his success as the best basketball player in the world.