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Great Britian and UN Sanctions


Global emissions are an important policy point for Britain as well since they are largely dependent on foreign oil, and if there were to be a UN resolution calling for a reduction of their emissions by 20% for 2020 they would likely support it, as they have supported similar measures in the Kyoto agreements. Many consumers in Britain are Fair Trade supporters and if the UN decides that the world should move towards a Fair Trade economic model I believe there would be sufficient pressure from its population that they would follow, so long as the measures do not challenge their economic interests too strongly. Finally, if the UN says that all member states must institute a 20-year prison sentence for those convicted for human trafficking, Britain's history of strong adherence to international law suggests that they would support it.
             Britain would likely support a UN peacekeeping intervention on any country supporting ISIS if so was to happen. Britain has already started to help fight against ISIS alongside the US and Canada. The RAF has been involved on coordinated airstrikes to try and diminish militants of ISIS in Iraq. According to Daily Mail, MPs voted overwhelmingly by 524 to 43 to back military action against ISIS (Daily Mail, 2014, 1st para). The fact that they are already getting so involved and eager in the fight against ISIS shows how they would act if such a resolution were to be tabled. Britain has one of the strongest military's in the world, with data from the UK (Britain plus northern Ireland) putting it at 6th in the world just below France, with 2.7 percent of their GDP going towards military. Britain has substantial military resources and history shows their willingness to commit them to foreign interventions especially in the Middle East. While there is a way, demographic trends may play a part in the political calculus. According to the 2011 census the major religion in the UK is Christianity, but Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism are right behind and growing fast (Wikipedia, 2013, 2nd para).

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