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The Purpose and Necessity of Unions


Also, Sanjay Sanghoee wrote, "Why Unions are Necessary" for the Huffington Post, he briefed the idea that collective bargaining isn't a new concept; it's part of the American way (7). Yet, when it comes to union workers approaching an employer about new policies to negotiate about it's frowned upon. Collective bargaining is a beneficial tactic in figuring out what the workers expect from owners and vice versa. .
             On the other hand, there are some writers that oppose unions and believe they aren't that helpful. James Shrek wrote, "Do Americans Today Still Need Labor Unions?" The Heritage Foundation stated unions make it capable for individuals to lack creativity and drive. Shrek believes that being in a union becomes a handicap for employees to show their creativity because regardless of you stepping up to the plate or standing against the wall, your job is still promised at the end of the day (9). This is main part of being in a union; regardless of how you showcase your potential whether good or bad you're still promised a job. Also, Shrek acknowledges that when unions are formed their wages are higher but the only way to pay the employees more are to increase the prices and know consumers are being targeted (10). This can backfire upon the owner of the company, because if s/he raises their prices too much to reach the cost to pay the employees than consumers might flee due outrageous and unreasonable pricing. Furthermore, Jessica Miller wrote the article, "Response: Are Unions Necessary?" for OPENMARKET.ORG stated that unions aren't so positive for the businesses due the inflation of wages they cause. Miller mentions, there's a decline in overall employment and productivity per capita (13). When unions are in place people are covered, unsatisfactory workers are still employed and by them not being flushed out, possible incredible and determined workers stay unemployed; productivity declines since there's no competition within the business no new ideas are being produced and the merchandise/marketing are very stagnant.

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