Germany's Chancellor at that time named Otton Von Bismark wanted to establish as many allies as possible, however, his plans failed after he resigned in 1890 and Germany's political status started to decline causing a downfall in peace amongst the countries. The Dual- Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary made Russian feel threaten because Germany didn't reassure the policy with Russia which made them feel isolated. As a result Russia ended up joining Rival-Alliance with the French. This entanglement of the alliances threatened Germany as well and therefore threatened the peace in Europe and lead to World War 1. In 1900, Kaiser Wilhelm the second proposed a new policy called "Weltpolitik" a foreign policy of colonial expansion and imperialism. After this policy was introduced an aggressive minister named Tirpitz, enforced a new naval law which was to double the size of the navy to make it immense in size. This enforcement caused tension between Germany and Britain; (Naval Race) 1906-1912, which makes Britain partially responsible for the World War 1. .
Moreover, in 1905 Alfred von Schlieffen a minister proposed another plan called "The Schlieffen Plan" which proposed to put Germany's ninety percent of the force against France at the start of the European war. France was chosen to be attacked first by Germany because they believed it to be the strongest and most dangerous opponent. The plan was to defeat France first and then move on to Russia because Germany wanted a quick victory and believed once they had taken care of the country that was more of a threat it would be easier to take care of the weaker opponents. Things did not go as planned and Germany failed to defeat France. Militarism plays an important part here, just because Germany thought they outnumber the opposing military and could use it aggressively against the opponents to win failed. This indicates that strong militarism is what led Germany to behave in an aggressive manner and was yet another cause of World War 1.