He compares the characteristics of the Indians that are said to be beasts that need to be tamed, to the Spaniards, the educated sons of nobles. Bartolome describes the Indians "by nature the most humble, patient, and peaceable." He then describes the Spaniards as "beast, wolves, tigers or lions that have been starved for many days." Bartolome makes it clear that the Spaniards are the ones that need to be tamed. He also lets the audience know that Indians and Spaniards should be treated the same for they "the sons of nobles among [them], brought up in the enjoyments of life's refinements, are no more delicate than are these Indians, even those among them who are of the lowest rank of laborers." De Las Casas states that not only did the Spaniards behave like "ravening beast" to conquer the land "for they have behaved in no other way in the past forty years" and they have continued "killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing, and destroying the native peoples" to the "present days." De la Casas states that he believes that the Spaniards have unjustly slain over "fifteen million" natives. Bartolome uses imagery to portray the monstrous behavior of the Spaniards. He describes the new found lands as "fertile and beautiful" in the beginning but since the Spaniards have depopulated the lands they have become "deserted and uninhabited" all because of the "cruel and abominable acts of the Spaniard." Bartolome also describes this behavior of as "infernal actions of Christians." The Indians used to believe the "Spanish Christians" were from heaven and had "never committed any act against the Spanish" until "those Christians have first and many times committed countless cruel aggressions against them or against neighboring nations, only after the Spaniards had used violence did the Indians rise up against them.