The son, understanding that his father exhibited patterns consistent with absenteeism, now has a valid form of justification in his own mind that because he is named after his father, it is alright for him to exhibit the same form of behavior and this notion roots itself in the psyche of an adolescent. For this particular research assignment, the adequate population to analyze would include but not be limited to inmates in a correctional facility. There is a plethora of statistics validating the argument that broken homes lead to instability within the psyche of boys who inevitably become men assuming they live to see manhood. This is an especially strong point within the black community where statistics point to a higher rate children growing up in single parent homes. However, nothing is 100% but the research does point in the direction of behavior patterns being affected by home and family structure. Data collection within the correctional facility environment would involve but not be limited to case studies as well as surveys to help paint a more adequate picture of the correlation between behavior patterns and being named after one's father who is absent in the household. .
In regards to data collection involving surveys, the surveys would contain more open-ended questions to attempt to gain a more accurate understanding of the proposed correlation between adolescent psyche and being named after one's father. It is important to point out the reason behind studying adult inmates who for the most part have passed the adolescent stage of development and the psyche associated with the adolescent stage. With this understanding in mind, data collection has to also focus on how growth of psyche from the adolescent stage is stunted with an absent father that the son is named after and feels an association with in his personal life. By collecting data utilizing adult inmates named after a father, the writer hopes to display this trend accurately.