Even if you are scared you should act like you are not because the animal will respond to your non-verbal communication and on extern sounds to know how to react. So the animal is using the human as a mirror of emotions. Therefore , showing fear could end up dangerous both in contact with other people and with dogs, because it could lead to aggression and a dog could attack others. .
Having empathy helps to discover the dog's needs and thoughts. Developing a special sense for one's counterpart is significant during the act of gaining authority. In the text "What the dog saw" by Malcom Gladwell there is the example of "JonBee", a Korean jindo, who Cesar is asked to tame. The owners had already "two trainers come out, one [] was doing this domination thing, where he would put [the dog] on his back and [] hold him until he submits" (Gladwell 133). But that is not what JonBee needs and wants. He is "dysregulated" and "throwing a tantrum" against the authority of his owners (Gladwell 140). During the visit the dog attacks Cesar. What Cesar does is, he lets the dog lead and gives him room (Tortora qt. in Gladwell 140). The dog whisperer's behaviour while "fighting" with the animal is fascinating. While he and JonBee seem to fight, he actually studies the dog's behavior and uses it to bring a rhythm (Gladwell 139). After the situation has calmed down, Cesar begins caressing JonBee, not in a aggressive way but in a firm one. And by using the language of movement the dog knows he is safe (Gladwell 141). What the situation shows us is, the dog didn't use the fighting to be mean or to seriously attack someone, after finishing there was relief in his eyes, not defeat (Gladwell 141), because finally someone empathized with him and found out what he really needs. Now it follows that we have a look at how this information helps us to learn how to gain authority in front of other humans.