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Movie Review - The Breakfast Club


Meaning that everything a teen's brain endures could affect them for the rest of their lives. In this John Hughes original the students in Saturday detention discuss their parents and their faults. The kids mention how abusive, controlling, over whelming, thoughtless, and hard their parents can be on them. Each of the students has a different but reasonable explanation as to why they do not get along with their parents. Their teacher and detention overseer, Mr. Vernon, also pushes around the kids verbally. Unfortunately physical and verbal abusive from parents and teachers are still common in today's society. Adults should be more aware that everything they do and say to a teen affects them in the long run. Also, when adults are complaining about the younger generations, they should take a second to remember who raised them and why they are the way they are.
             Peer pressure, a concept that has been beaten into kids' heads since the beginning of time. What if not giving into the peer pressure isn't an option, though? What if the pressure from others just happens? The Breakfast Club shows pressure from outside sources in its many forms. After, Claire, the princess of the group gets ganged up on by the other students for saying she would not speak to them after today she say, "I hate having to go along with everything my friends say! You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" This is a simple but often forgotten form of peer pressure, since most people think of peer pressure as having to do with drugs and alcohol. Peer pressure is merely just an outside force trying to get someone to do something. High schoolers have pressure from people all around them; friends wanting them to like or dislike whoever they do, parents wanting them to do better and be more like them, acquaintances who want them to try the coolest new drug. High school is full of situations and opportunities where other people want you to do something, what you do in those positions ends up defining who you are as a person.

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