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Short Story - From Dream to Reality


            "Soraya!! Soraya! Come on I don't want to get caught by the Taliban.
             "Ayesha it's okay no one can see us, just a little but longer." .
             Come on! Let's go back to our house where we are safe and no one can find us! I don't want to get killed," whispered Ayesha. .
             "You mean our little card board house." laughed Soraya. .
             "Well at least it keeps us safe and away from the scary Taliban's." retorted Ayesha. .
             As the two girls where walking back to a dilapidated area in Kabul, where beggars and homeless people found beside their destroyed and abandoned homes that have been bombed and artillery. Soraya and Ayesha thanked their lucky stars that they had survived the brutality and on slaught of the Taliban. Their parents sadly didn't survive. .
             "Ayesha our card board box is still standing. I'm so glad that we don't have to go hide in the underground shelter and live like rats!" .
             "I agree! We have nothing to eat tonight Soraya." .
             "Lets us put our plan into action. Early tomorrow morning we will go to the cemetery where I have seen wild strawberries growing. We can have our fill and pick same to take to the market to sell." .
             "Oh Soraya you are so clever. No wonder why you were always obtaining an A in class!" .
             "Ayesha you are quite smart too you know, you just have to speak up a bit more and let the world know how talented you are!" .
             "Thankyou Soraya, you are too kind. Anyway do you think we will get caught picking the berries?" .
             "Trust me Ayesha. It's fine, don't worry about it, I got it all under control! Let's go to bed and dream our dream tonight." .
             "Yes, oh yes! We can dream like were caged birds, singing a song of freedom," Ayesha suggested. .
             Soraya announced, "We shall follow happiness where ever it may lead us. Promise me Ayesha we will never give up! We are in this together, forever and ever.

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