In 2014, another Gallup poll, which is comprised of 1,026 adults who are living in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, says that a majority of Americans (59 %) are worried about their retirement because of not having enough money. Also, 48% of the interviewers are worried about not being able to maintain the standard life style which they enjoy now (Harter and Agrawal, 2014). In other words, the baby boomers seem to feel that they are not ready to maintain current lifestyle after retirement. The Boomer Generation has a tendency to spend a great deal of money for their family. This spending habit is possibly one of the causes that make the Boomer Generations have no money left to save for retirement. Also, the recent economic depression has a correlation with their decision. In addition, a CIBC poll conducted by Decima in 2012 reveals that nearly 60% of retired Canadians are in debt and the baby boomers may hold debt for longer than they expected because of high interest cost and cash flow. This tendency of the baby boomer's carrying debt may be common in spite of financial strain because the Boomer Generation is sandwiched between their aging parents and dependent children. It suggests that they have great intergenerational responsibilities. They might need better financial support and help from government, but many programs operated by government seem not to be sufficient. For this reason, the boomers are under the pressure of earning more money that they need for themselves. Thus, the financial stability is the first reason that the baby boomers tend to delay their retirement age. .
Another cause of the baby boomer's postponed retirement is their health condition. Many baby boomers are not prepared to give up the mental and social stimulation that come through work. According to a journal of Gibaldi (2013), a survey, which was asked of 1,140 respondents, conducted by Pew Research (n.