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Terrorism in Today's World


In the U.S., Muslims are not as alienated, which makes them less susceptible to Muslim extremism. .
             Another leading causes of terrorism are the oppression and poverty in various states, as well as the support terrorists groups find from various states. This increase is due to the instability within states. When a group people are not flourishing, they become angry and belligerent and look for a scapegoat to blame their predicament, which leads to terrorism. In this case, oppression and poverty in states means a population that is more susceptible to anti-Western propaganda. Terrorist groups are also supported by various states. States support terrorist groups because they want influence, want to counter U.S. strength in the international sphere, hope to advance a certain belief system or hope to topple regimes. Some states that have backed terrorist groups are Pakistan, who has supported groups who cause conflict in Kashmir, and also Iran, who supports Hezbollah because of their anti-Israeli stance (Byman). With support as well as funding, these states help the infrastructure of terrorist groups and also allow them to spread their message to those who are susceptible. The use of technology and globalization has resulted in the ability to spread their ideology further and to more people.
             Finally, the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, as well as the plight of Muslims in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, have led to anger from Muslims around the world. There have been at least 122,000 Iraqi civilians that have died in the war, as well as 21,000 civilians that have died in the Afghanistan war. Muslim extremists justify terrorist attacks by using these statistics. The belief that the United States has trampled on the Holy Land of the Muslim people has also caused conflict. The Afghanistan and Iraq Wars have not only impacted those states detrimentally, the U.S. has also faced issues because of the conflicts.

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