Since then, the NPOs targeting population control policies have worked independently or/and with the government to achieve their three-pronged goals that have focused to strengthen the small family norm, increase awareness about population issue and enhance family planning services (The Role of NGOs in Pursuing Populations Issues).
Analyzing the position of NPOs in the local setting, it is not challenging to spot and prove the popularity of the private reforms. Hence, it is imperative to investigate the reasons as to why the private sector has flourished while the role of government has shrunk. What is most common of all (or most) private institutions is the acknowledgment of the need for efficiency in the system as to reduce cost of whatever activity implemented, and perform at an optimum level. This drive for optimality, makes their produce of quality which is then maintained over their entire production, be it in goods or in services. On the other hand, the public sector is notorious for their lack of attention to the quality of produce, which reduces their credibility for couples looking for serious solutions in the form of counseling or commodities. Moreover, the personalized and customized counseling provided by the NPOs comes across as a more attractive package for couples, unlike the monotonous advise of the government operatives. One such example is that of Lady Health Workers (LHW), an initiative by the government under the National Program for Family Planning and Primary Health Care, who though are appointed from within the locality of in question, never seem to carry adequate supplies and seldom ask women about their preferences (Lady Health Workers (LHW)). Trained in a limited manner and under a certain time constraint, the LHW do not fully acquire the capability to cater the needs of the local women (Service Provision And Private Sector Family Planning Models In Pakistan).