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Occpational Therapy for Older Adults


             With all the diversity and autonomy offered, it may be hard to understand what the issue in ALFs could be. This ambiguity may serve as a sole reason behind the "problem" in the first place. Over recent years, there has been a lot of attention towards modifying the system to provide older adults with the best care possible. Nursing homes have even taken new directions in how they approach senior care. The Eden Alternative and Green House Project are examples of interesting new developments designed to provide more interactive, home-like environments for seniors (Cavanaugh, & Blanchard). Assisted Living Facilities are also established on the basis of this framework. The setback with ALFS is that while they aim to foster as much independence as possible, there is a gap between the individual's self-efficacy and the resources provided to them. Self-efficacy is defined as "the individuals belief in his or her own ability to perform a desired behavior or achieve a specific outcome." (Cavanagh, & Blanchard). Each person living in an ALF has come there for individually unique reasons that have ultimately played a role in determining his or her sense of self-efficacy. Depending in his or her personal history, a resident may not be able to overcome the physical or mental barriers they have been living with for years. Because of this, some residents in ALFs can't take full advantage of the resources offered to them.
             An intervention is needed in Assisted Living that makes use of a growing department in the health care field known as Occupational Therapy. Many Occupational Therapists are specialized in providing services to older adults across a wide variety of settings. The therapeutic approach of Occupational Therapists offers enormous benefits for the elderly population. Occupational Therapists are able to utilize their understanding of the aging process to facilitate independence and a higher quality of life for older adults.

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