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The Barangay Development Council


The bidding is open to all. The whole process should be known by the constituents. The decision-making process is alienated from the Barangay constituents since they are only informed of the projects of the said process in the biennial Barangay assemblies, not while the process is on-going but more or less after the council has decided. Some Barangay constituents could approach a council member to inform him/ her of his/her ideas but the constituent cannot be directly involved in the decision making. .
             Barangay assemblies are conducted to inform the Barangay constituents of the state of their Barangay. It is where the council reports all their accomplishments and future plans for the barangay. Their report includes their expenditures, projects and ordinances they have decided. The assembly is then a venue where the constituents could raise questions and/or react on the report and future plans of Barangay council. But in the context of Barangay V-A, this is not observed. Also, many constituents are not present in the assembly for reasons like, they were not informed or they do not wish to participate in the event. The Barangay constituents are mostly from the middle class and it seemed that they do not have the time for such activity and that they rely much on their elected council members to represent their ideas in making decisions. .
             The Barangay council members are well-educated and well-versed in the affairs of the Barangay. Also, they have been previously elected in the council, during the past terms; it may be in the same position or other position in the council. We were told that the Barangay chairman is not a resident of the Barangay but he has been serving Barangay V-A, for 13 years as a council member. It was evident that the current council is composed of people who have been serving the barangay for many terms now and that they can be branded as professional leaders. They all possess the knowledge and experience in being a council member that it is hard to replace them by other people from the pool of Barangay constituents.

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