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Improving Effective Managing through Conflict


Without fail, interpersonal communication is impaired by the intrusion of temper and passing blame when conflict occurs. Generally, as temper increases, true communication decreases, and relationships fail to develop into positive resources. And yet, it is the lack of communication and teamwork that creates tension, frustration and anger between co-workers. A key idea is to not give up trying to get through to that person, using different angles of approach. Conveying to people the purpose, means and extent of a task entrusted to them is a basic exercise in communication and building teamwork, collaboration and coordination. He doesn't realize, but Rob's manufacturing department's objectives and goals fall parallel with the requirements and goals of his neighboring units. They both want to produce a working product and satisfy their customers and working together helps both obtain their goals more frequently.
             Furthermore, delivering a message that may be misunderstood is all too easy. It may happen because you are not clear about what you want your instructions to say; or may be because your language is vague even though your objectives are clear. Another reason why miscommunication occurs is that you are communicating with someone who has decided in advance what the message is without listening to you. A useful way to avoid misinterpretation is to rehearse your message with an objective critic. Ask questions and alternatively, get the recipients to repeat your message so that, if necessary, you can use their feedback to correct any misapprehensions. In addition, people have a tendency to fill in the blanks, creating errors along the way. If you are providing a colleague or client with a written document, talk through this to expand or clarify any points and to check that the brief is completely understood, telling how you want it to be interpreted. .
             In continuing to uncover Frank's relationship with his colleagues, we embark upon his relationship with his supervisor and the influences that prevent accomplishing objectives and goals of his department.

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