The researchers made a study that aims to create cardboard from cogon grass that is without of use and is dominant in the country. The researchers also aim to improve and revise the series of studies the former researched investigated.
Statement of the Problem.
1. Can a grass like Cogon grass that is considered as one of the top 10 worst weeds be used as cardboard to replace the traditional cardboard found in the market?.
2. Determine the quantity of water absorbs by the cardboard in a specific time under standardized condition using the Water Absorption Test.
a. 5 seconds.
b. 10 seconds.
c. 15 seconds.
3. To know the ability of the cardboard to resist under load with the use of 4-Paint Flexure Test.
Significance of the Study.
This study aims to find a use and to lessen the amount of Cogon grass present in many vacant lands and forest lands. Cogon grass is said to be pests because it is an aggressive, colony-forming perennial grass which often attains a height of 3 to 5 feet and forms dense stands over large areas. It can also virtually eliminate native plants and is mostly unpalatable to livestock and wildlife, and can create a significant fire hazard. Furthermore, it will also provide another source of the raw materials in making cardboards, instead of using heavy-duty paper from trees and contribute to the preservation and conservation of lands in our country. .
Scope and Delimitation.
The study was conducted in a nearby residence to where the source of cogon grass is located, Pasig Green Park Village. The tool that was used to mould the blended grass is a silk screen bought at National Book Store, Caniogan. The study is concerned on how the researchers makes the cardboard, the tools, the equipments used and the benefits the researchers can get from the study. Furthermore, this study gives importance to the quality of the cardboard and to test the tensile strength of the finished product. The researchers are planning on going to the Department of Science and Technology to get more information and tests.