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Native Americans and African Slaves


There were a number of trade routes along the rivers, which led to a heavy reliance on imports and exports. Differing greatly from the Eastern Woodlands were the people of the Great Plains. The Great Plains were very dry, humid, and in order for them to hunt they needed to get creative. One image shows the Native Americans hunting in the open land. The natives were truly nomadic as they followed their food. With the large bison population, natives used unique ways to lure and kill them. In the image it shows them dressed like white wolves in order to drive the bison off the cliff. Driving the bison off of the cliffs was an easy way to kill them so that they could use the bison for food and other resources. Since they weren't strong enough and might not of had the tools to kill the bison, they need to figure out ways to hunt them without injuring themselves. Since the Great Plains were flat and waterless, the Native Americans had to use their nomadic ways to hunt the bison by driving them off of cliffs and using them as their main food source. .
             The Native Americans also lived in the Great Basin, which is present day Nevada, Utah, Eastern California, Wyoming, and Colorado. There were nomadic people here as well. The men tracked elk, antelope, and smaller animals. Along with the Pacific Northwest, which originated in modern day British Columbia and Northern California, there is a mild climate and lots of rainfall. Relying on a lot of seafood like salmon and halibut but agriculture was not needed. There were enough sea mammals, shellfish, and canoes for them to eat and use so that they could get their main food source and did not need to rely on agriculture. .
             Finally, the Subarctic and Arctic Native Americans originated from the modern day Alaska and Canada regions where it is very treeless and freezing cold weather. They rely heavily on fishing and hunting whales, seals, moose, and caribou.

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