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HIPPA Compliance Plan


             with this clinic.
             - Staff shall safe guard patient and provider confidentiality within the constraint of the law.
             - Staff shall not utilize their position within the clinic in such a way it would lead to personal financial gain or abuse.
             the boundaries of their authority.
             - Staff will not solicit nor accept gifts or favors from providers in lieu of favorable decisions on contracts, .
             administrative decisions, or other business functions.
             - All staff has the duty to report unethical or illegal activity to the appropriate personnel.
             Ethical Standards Each staff member is expected to adhere to this clinic's Code of Conduct. This clinic will deal with staff and providers fairly and honestly. All parties shall make effort to avoid any appearance of illegal, unethical or unprofessional conduct. Staff shall respect the views and beliefs of co-workers and shall treat others with fairness and courtesy.
             Corporate Compliance Officer The Corporate Compliance Officer is the custodian of the Corporate Compliance Plan. She/he or their designee is required to report on compliance activities that include but are not limited to:.
             - Level of compliance or non-compliance found as a result of monitoring and auditing.
             - The success of efforts to improve compliance, including training and education.
             - Corrective or disciplinary actions taken with respect to those who were found to be non-compliant.
             The Corporate Compliance Officer works with management regarding newly identified areas of non-compliance, and changes in the probability of occurrence of deficiencies/violations.
             Education and Training The proper education and training of staff and providers and the continual retraining at all levels are significant elements of an effective compliance program. The clinic achieves this through implementing the following:.
             - Orientation.
             - Distribute Code.
             - Agenda for Department Staff Meetings.
             - Mandatory Annual Training Requirements.

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