Her teeth are delayed coming in and are a little more sensitive that others and therefore she must be fed softer foods. I provide care for all of her ADLs which include feeding her, getting her dressed every day, bathing, changing her diaper as well as helping her walk. Whether I am at work or home my boyfriend is great with helping Isabella with IADLs. This would include preparing her meals, picking up after her, taking her to the park or appointments she may have as well as doing grocery shopping.
I am not eligible for any type of support as a caregiver which is why I stay home the majority of the time taking care of her. I am in the Reserves which provide us with healthcare and money but due to the fact that I do not bring in enough with just that I have a part time job which I work mostly every weekend. When I am working I need someone to watch Isabella and that is when my boyfriend steps in and helps out. We coordinate our schedule so that one of us is able to watch her as we are hesitant about others watching her at this point in time and the finances are not there to hire someone.
The Impact of Caregiving on the Caregiver.
The first empirical study I examined looked at those adolescent children were perceived to have a higher quality relationship with their disabled sibling, especially those with Down syndrome (Pollard, 2013). Ever since I was granted custody of baby sister I feel a greater sense of responsibility and closeness with my sister especially because I know things are hard without her having our parents here. The study showed that those who have siblings with Down syndrome have a better overall sibling relationship than those with siblings without disabilities. However, higher levels of stress were also reported (Pollard, 2013). As rewarding as it is to care for my younger sister at times it is very stressful and frustrating. It is especially hard to deal with on certain days because I think about how I did not chose this for my life but I have to remember Isabella did not chose this for her life either.