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The Sustainability of Food


Cultural differences is clearly shown by those cultures' food consumption due to differences in prices, amount of food, and quality of food. Countries in Africa display a smaller carbon footprint because the food they consume is all locally grown. The United States, wealthy Middle Eastern families, and European Countries have a large carbon footprint due to the fact that they mostly consume commercially produced food from all over the country as well as the world. Families that are in less developed communities such as the Shingkhey Village and Tingo display smaller carbon footprints due to all of their food being locally grown. Locally grown food is healthier and cheaper to purchase (Menzel). .
             Animals raised on pastures are much better for the environment rather than ones produced in intensive factory-like conditions. If one lives in London it is better for him or her to eat a lamb from a pasture in New Zealand rather than a factory produced lamb from the United Kingdom (McWilliams). Factory farming is highly dependent on large quantities of limited resources such as grain-based feed, water, energy and medication. This type of food production is inherently unsustainable because of its negative impacts on animals, people and the planet. Factory farmed animals are selectively bred to produce the maximum amount. In many cases, one of the main reasons that they suffer in factory farming is the very fact that they are forced to produce too much for their own body to bear. To end factory farming society needs to reduce this demand to one that can be met by animals living in environments where they can be assured quality of life and protection from cruel treatment. A world without factory farming will be one where what is ethical matters as much as what is profitable. It will be a world where everyone has enough to eat, our land and water are used wisely, we are healthier, and animals are treated with kindness and respect.

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