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The Good Immigration Student


            "The Good Immigrant Student," by Bich Minh Nguyen, is an autobiography about Ms. Nguyen during his childhood school experience. Ms. Nguyen is an immigration student; she migrated to America during the fall of Saigon City from Vietnam. Moreover, she described his school experience, and being treated as a foreigner. Also, during her experience she always described herself as quite, shy, and obedient; she would get all high scores in all her subjects as possible. Through out the essay she described how she felt about the American school system, her new family and bilingual education program, Third grade experience and through out in Ken-O-Sha elementary school, her high school experience, and her feeling about all immigrants' students. .
             Ms. Nguyen says after her step mom Rosa got married to her dad; they moved to countryside of Grand Rapids, Michigan. She says she had to go a far away elementary school, because Rosa felt that they needed to take bilingual education program to learn English (par.2). She feels uncomfortable during her bilingual class, because her problem was not learning the English language; it was the Vietnamese language. She says her and sister began to avoid during her bilingual class, and no teachers ever said anything about it (par.3). Ms. Nguyen always feels that " An All American City" to her was always presents toward white people; when they actual meant to all races and ethnicity like: Mexican American, or Vietnamese refugees are included (par.4). Ms. Nguyen says she was happy that she changed school from Sherwood to Ken-O-Sha to begin her third grade, because Rosa finally thought that it was not necessary for Ms. Nguyen and her sister to take Bilingual class anymore. Ms. Nguyen introduce her third grade teacher Mrs. Alexander; Mrs. Alexander rewards any student who carried good behavior and keep up a good grades in class by giving out stars sticker, and post on the poster board in the class (par.

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