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The Flogging Controversy


Jeff was unconvincing with his argument, having failed to provide statistical evidence that support corporal punishment was a success at the time or the popularity enjoyed by the practice. .
             The author's arguments might appeal to readers if there are enough evidence and take into account what the victims and families went through in the hand of the perpetrator of the crime. Jeff's statement in paragraph nine, when he said "Instead of a prison term, why not sentence at least some criminals- say thieves and drunk drivers- to a public whipping" lack sympathy and empathy for victims and their family and does not take into account the gravity of the crime that can be committed by a thieve and a drunk driver more so the impact on victims and their family.
             I will never forget the event of about fifteen years ago when a drunk driver hit my brother and confined him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Whipping a thieve who stole someone's else possessions or a drunk driver who permanently crippled an innocent man- like in the case of my brother is like slapping a kid on the back of the hand for playing with mud. It sent a wrong signal to any would-be thief or drunkard and no victim of crime would have any trust in the judicial system. How can a drunk driver who might have inflicted a lifetime injury on a victim only get away with flogging? Does the punishment in line with the crime committed? Would whipping stop the perpetrator from drinking or ashamed? The answer to all of this is no. .
             In the fourth paragraph of his article, the author showed his lack of faith in the criminal justice system when he said "we cage criminals at the rate unsurpassed in the free world, yet few of us believe that the criminal justice system is a success. Crime is out of control, despite the deluded happy talk by some politicians about how safe and cities have become". The above assertion of the criminal justice system by the author is not only biased, but there is no correlation between the increases in the number of offenders in the prison and effectiveness of the correctional system.

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