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The Concept of Motivation


Eating habits and the level of an individual's physical activity are greatly affected by culture and society. Television and magazines glorify what they believe the ideal body should be. This creates an obsession in people to look a certain way. It causes people to compulsively work out, diet, and can even cause eating disorders. Two of the most common eating disorders are bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. In bulimia nervosa, the person binges and purges; they overeat and then induce vomiting or abuse laxatives. In anorexia nervosa the person starves their self becoming dangerously thin. Psychologists who study love say there are two different types of love; passionate and companionate. Passionate love is characterized by a whirlwind of intense emotions and sexual passion. Companionate, or affectionate, love is characterized by affection or trust. Passionate love can either evolve into companionate love or die out. Psychologists believe that passionate love originated in the bond between mother and infant and that maternal and romantic love share a common evolutionary purpose, preserving the species.
             You choose your friends and who you love based on where you work, go to school, or live; proximity. Another factor in this decision making process is what you have in common; similarities. Once you're in love u can be secure, anxious, or avoidant in your attachments. The attachment theory of love states that people's attachment styles as adults derive in large part from how their parents cared for them. Securely attached lovers are rarely jealous or worried about being abandoned, anxious lovers want to be close but worry that their partners will leave them, and avoidant people distrust and avoid intimate attachments. Men and women express love differently though there is no evidence that one sex is more loving than the other. Human sexuality is influenced by a blend of biological, psychological, and cultural factors.

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