The myths and facts of the common core standards are a real eye opener. Many critics believe that the standards were not developed by people in the education field. In fact, they believe that no teachers were involved in the developmental process. This proves to be false, according to http://www.corestandards.org, the common core development team "relied on teachers and standards experts from across the country." Being that the common core standards are still relatively new, we really can't predict whether or not they are a solid way in teaching or not. Research has shown that most teachers are in favor of the common core standards. The percentage of teachers who said they think the standards will be "positive for most students" was only 57%. This means that almost half of the teachers in the US feel that the common core standards show "not much difference," or a "negative response," to most students.
As teachers, we need to start working together in order to better educate the youth of America. The overall common goal that each and every teacher is trying to reach is to produce high functioning scholars in our growing society. If a group of highly educated teachers, administrators, and developers can come together and make a well developed game plan that shows potential and positive results, then maybe teachers should start spending more time on implementing the standards and less time complaining about them. While I understand that the common core standards aren't perfect, they are fairly new, and have been under attack since they first came out, teachers need to give them time to work. The standards were created for a specific reason, because the previous way of teaching was not working well enough. Just like a business, if something is not working, a team of developers come together to create a new plan of action. This is relevant in the education field because new ways of teaching are being created each day.