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Women and Millennium Development Goals


" The Millennium Girl Goal Development is targeted at young women in third world countries with the intention of stopping the cycle of poverty and oppression on the women. .
             The countries I'll be evaluating are Nigeria, Ethiopia, and India these three targeted countries are considered third world due to the countries GDP (Gross domestic product). It is also not the presence or lack of natural resources what makes a country rich or poor in the long run. On the other hand, it is easy to predict that some Third World countries that currently are rich because of immense reserves of natural wealth while not being burdened with large populations.In our modern world, wealth depends on trade, in goods or services. Trade depends on infrastructure, and infrastructure in turn depends on investment. This is the essence of development. The more 'developed' a country is, the more money it is capable of making. So in talking about poor countries, we are talking about Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC), as some poor countries may not actually be developing, but standing still or even decreasing. .
             There are several reasons, with geographical, political, and cultural factors all coming in to play. There are often political factors involved in why some countries remain poor, and one of those is a corrupt government. Governments need to do a lot of things to encourage development, they need to build and maintain infrastructure, and raise and spend finance wisely, on the right projects.When governments are inept at managing infrastructure, development is impossible. Also they need to set up their laws and business practices in a way that encourages investment. The Geographical location plays a dominant role in why third world countries are third world. .
             There are 250 million adolescent girls in poverty today, the nike foundation believe 'they are the most powerful force for change on the planet'.

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