The use of the state-of-the art technology guarantees Walmart to readily and steadily track down the sales and merchandise in all of its stores across the United States and the global stores. Furthermore, in 1983, Walmart launched its own satellite communication system in order to expand their communication system to keep up with the growing demand. With the use of this communication system, Walmart actuates information systems in the supply chain management. The potential human errors, that the manual way of using the inventories has, had been minimized by the full usage of IT to make inventories instantly available when needed (Ahmed).
Another use of Walmart's information technology is the establishment of the centralized inventory data system where it enables the store personnel to know precisely the status of inventory levels and the location of every product. This helps the store to know what to expect and make sure that every store has adequate supply to cater to the customers.
Walmart uses an in-house fleet management which gives them the advantage of lower-cost in transportation for delivering of goods to the different stores and distribution centers. Given the benefits of having owned a transportation system, Walmart has the capabilities to replenish the shelves four times faster than the competitors.
The success of Walmart relies in the efficiency of their supply chain management system. They are always seeking to improve and explore over the possible ways to give customers the most amount of product without additional expense. Walmart have been able to well coordinate and systematized their supply chain management in order to satisfy their customers. From the purchasing to transporting and then finally to selling, all coordinated in the best way.
From the external environmental dealings, Walmart developed more than a business relationship with their suppliers; they obtained bargain power with them, allowing Walmart to have the best prices in the market.