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Personal Letter - Human Trafficking


As defined under U.S. federal law, victims of human trafficking include children involved in the sex trade, adults age 18 or over who are coerced or deceived into commercial sex acts, and anyone compelled into forced labor." It is literally modern day slavery. Knowing that sex trafficking victims or "prostitutes" are usually coerced, why are they being charged with a crime when going to jail instead of being treated as the victims they are. I urge you to review these laws to help the victims.
             As stated in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, "Sex trafficking becomes a fast-growing business of organized crime and the third largest criminal enterprise worldwide" and the reality is it's happening in your own back yard. While you are going about your daily routines of work, shopping, and pampering, your young women are being kidnapped and recruited.I believe the reason trafficking is running rampant is that it is so unrecognizable. Predators and victims alike have had years of practice learning how to camouflage what they are doing. My pimp invested the money earned from us into businesses. If he was ever caught by the police, he would say the money earned was from any of the numerous business he owned, not illegal money. The exploitation occurs when others (known as pimps), collect the earnings of these victims. The victims whom are often underage, receive little to nothing in return. Individuals that are being sold have no control over their own finances. I would walk the streets literally for days at a time only to turn over every last dime to my captor. Women and young children often fall victim to these pimps. These people are usually held against their will. These women are often kidnapped, or taken from state to state. Not only do they face physical bondage, but often times victims face psychological bondage. .
             One victim that was trafficked with me was forced to eat out of a dog bowl when she made a "mistake" as a form of humiliation.

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