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The Lack of Equality in the Dream Act


They lived within the shadows of not pursing their dreams on reaching a higher level of education. The younger generation wanted to attend school but before the act was passed whoever was caught illegally in the United States would have been deported back to their country of birth. These young determined students, who have no difference compared to citizen students other than their legal status, are struggling to continue with their education due to the lack of financial funds. Their parents bring them here at a young age, and for one reason or the other, they end up staying in the United States and their status becomes illegal. Now that the act has passed Congress the youth doesn't have to fear anymore, they are protected by an act that lets them go to school with no consequences but cannot qualify for financial aid. Majority of the time, these young people go through their elementary and middle school years' just fine, but once they graduate high school with outstanding grades, they are left behind because of their situation. They start to realize that all their hard work, and getting accepted into well-known universities was all for nothing. Losing hope becomes common among them and leads some to drop out. Seeing no hope at the end of the road makes them think they are all alone, and that no one is doing anything to help them out, but that is not always the cases. Rewarding these young people financially would inspire them to further their education. .
             Students that can receive these funds are capable of getting good grades. As students their main focus is school, to become a successful professional in the future, but some of those outstanding students are not receiving the help they need financially in order to succeed. In contrast of legal residents who get help from the government to attend school and are free of fear because they don't have to worry about having to leave all their dreams behind.

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