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The Nazis and a Pure Aryan Race


            Hitler seize the power over Germany in 1933 with the help of the German Conservatism and his beliefs. Hitler had many ideas that would have helped him turn Germany into a major power but one of his main idea was to create a 'pure Aryan race. In his eyes, 'pure aryan' were the only ones who could have helped Germany to achieve greater success. That meant eliminating every other threat which included Jews, gypsies, blacks, old and the disabled. Hitler believed that the Disabled should be eliminated as they were not mentally and physical prepared and they were viewed as burden on the society. During the Hitler era, disabled Germans were treated similar to how the Jews, Gypsies and black were treated as countless number of disabled lost their lives under order of Hitler as they were labeled genetically dangerous and financially burdensome to society. .
             After taking over Germany, Hitler had done some positive things that had brought the economy back up as the unemployment rate was dropped to 0 percent. Then, Hitler changed his propaganda campaign against mentally and physically disabled Germans. According to Hitler, disabled did not fit into the Nazi stereotype of the pure Aryan. As disabled Germans did not work, Hitler said they were not helping anybody except they were taking the resources away from the Aryans that needed those resources. Looking at these situations which could have caused there future children to be like them, Hitler and his team passed "Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary diseases"1 ,which eliminated form of life that would have hurt the Aryan race in the future. This law stated that anyone suffering from a hereditary disease can be sterilized by a surgical operation and anyone suffering from hereditary deafness, blindness and physical deformity can be sterilized. .
             To step up and increase the process of finish off the disabled, Hitler "labeled the mentally ill, the physically disabled, and others as genetically dangerous and financially burdensome to society, and they offered a legal basis for permission to kill them.

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