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Research Sources - World War II


If it's for school, they kind of need it to be correct to get a good grade on it, so that is why it is credible. This slide shows great info on the causes of WW2. One reason as to why the War started is because of the failure of the Treaty of Versailles. After Germany lost WW1, the winning nations put most of the reparation cost of the war on Germany, which made them very angry towards those who were victorious in the First World War. Another small cause of WW2 was the Great Depression that happened here in the US. The crash caused worldwide depression in economies and because of the times being bad by the depression, nations turned towards their leaders. The leaders promised conquest to other countries and military buildup that excelled the militaries to be ready for any type of conflict with anyone else.
             "Causes Of World War 2." Causes Of World War 2. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. .
             This source is credible because it too also gives great quality information that surrounds all things history. The target reader that they're aiming for are students that are trying to get good information for an essay to use as a source. This source includes information about the Japanese involvement in the causes of WW2. The Japanese military was very similar to that of Germanys', which put the Japanese in an alliance with Germany because they had the same beliefs. The Japanese were on the Axis powers that had Italy and Germany as allies. The Japanese, on December 11, 1941, surprise attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. This led the US into the war and caused them to fight against the Axis Powers because of the US wanting to suppress tyranny. The bombing on Pearl Harbor was one the biggest terrorist attacks in US history.
             "Causes of World War II." : Process. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. http://questgarden.com/63/29/3/080328182742/process.htm>.
             This source is credible because its target reader is a student that needs good info for their essay or for any type of schoolwork.

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