Disney in the Market and Competitors .
As Disney is a branded house style brand this allows room for multiple offerings (i.e. DVDs, toys, theme parks etc.) by having these offerings it therefore strengthens the master brand. However with all these offerings it comes with a myriad of competitors in different markets. For example when compared as a media conglomerate brand Time warner tops the list as one of Disney's major competitors however Disney is in fact beaten by a company named Direct V. Inc. when looking at the market share of media networks as Disney only cover 20.72% of the market share compared to the 31.49% of Direct V. However although Direct V has a greater percentage of market share regarding Media networks, this is only 44.21% of Disney's total revenue whereas it's 100% of Direct V so it is not too big of a worry for Disney – excluding the fact that this segment is the largest bringing in a $4.9 billion in revenue. For the 2013 year the total Net income for the year increased 8% to a record $6.1 billion.
The second largest segment is the famous parks and resort segment with $3.7 billion in revenue in 2013 which was up 8% from 2012. Also the operating income increased 15% from 2012 to $571 million and for the year, revenues increased 9% to $14.1 billion. For the whole company its total assets are estimated to be around $ 81,241 million up from $ 74,898 in 2012. Below the author has devised a perceptual positioning map comparing Disney to its competitors within the Parks and Resort segment of the company. As the brand extension is 'Disney summer camps' the author believed that this was the most relevant segment to look at its competitors. This can be used to determinate the quality and differences between Disney and its competitors. .
Perceptual Positioning Map for Disneyland and Its Competitors.
BCG Matrix.
In this model it represents where each segment of the Walt Disney market share.