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Short Story - The Baby Monitor


She was about to ignore it and continue her game. When her mom finally heard it she said "Kim, dear? Would you mind checking on you little brother? .
             "Ahh." She paused her game and stood up. Suddenly the baby monitor was silent. Her mom noticed and rose from her chair. Kim took the radio and played with the volume button, but it didn't work. "Ermmom, I think it's broken." .
             "I'll go check on Dylan then," she said and hurried upstairs. Kim played a bit more with the several buttons and dials on the monitor and suddenly weird sound came from it. When she turned the volume does, a voice came out. Confusingly, she held the thing closer to her ear to understand what it was saying. After a few seconds she shook her head, placed the thing back and went to the kitchen. "Daddy?" .
             "What's it sweetie, I'm a bit busy now." Her dad said. She pointed the living room and said "The baby monitor is being weird, can you fix it?" .
             Her father sighed. "I guess I can have a look" He followed Kim into the living room, picked up the baby monitor and started playing with the buttons. .
             "Uncle Rob, please turn that thing off." Maries said. "It's extremely annoying!" "Dad's trying to fix it!" Kim replied as she rolled her eyes over at her dad. Suddenly the weird sound increased and the voice was heard again. Rob pressed one of the dials; the strange voice became clearer. "What!" he said as he turned up the volume to hear more clearly. .
             "Katksite sdifoiwd asjfeoiklawdnna sdweddijoa djedie sil-kut sjuded98r bidww893 iubdqwdwoh idhiowhiohiof fhfeifeufqhfho cdiokl dnco fdjwef wefoef wepfi raood fewpefjw eqefpjoef 9e-fower skfdm fej pefj rapofj faoj " .
             "Dad?" Kim said with a horrified voice. .
             "Fjfskiefhoi dajoisfwoeif fowef oifj daoihfwefweif sdoifjak doi jfiojef pwefj fjwef sioefh fjoaifhh fi aiowd faoij fiaj d" .

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