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The Role of Structured Religion


A nation responsible for 23% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, China faces an unprecedented environmental crisis, to which Buddhism may be the solution. The identification of sacred sites, and animistic nature of Buddhism, ensures that its adherents are able to see the innate value of the natural world, with one Chinese Environmental lawyer noting, "They are fish. They have lives."" The Atheist government has begun to recognize the value of Buddhism in protecting its nation, allowing the practice of a faith it not long ago condemned, demonstrating the power of faith in changing a person's understandings. The ability to alter the views of our innately selfish species in regards to their environment, demonstrates the transformative nature of the religious dimension. .
             Arguably the most influential element of society, the political sphere leads our people, with the religion of our leaders playing a varying role, in the altering of society. The current leader of Australia, Tony Abbott is known for his devout Catholicism, yet he states "it doesn't in any way determine my politics."" His stemming of the flow of so-called "illegal " immigrants, and minimal action on humanity's systematic destruction of the Earth, indicate that his political position forces, or allows, him to cater to an ethical code rooted in capitalism rather than Catholicism. Vladimir Lenin has noted that "There are no morals in politics " and Prime Minister Abbott's abandonment of his own values in order to satisfy the wider commercial aspect would be indicative of such a view. Conversely, the religious dimension has permeated American politics, with "God bless America " a frequent Presidential declaration despite the coveted first amendment's request for separation of church and state. Former President, George W. Bush has claimed in the past that it was the revelation of God that encouraged him to commence his controversial invasion of Iraq in 2003.

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