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Cognitive Psychology - Processing Information


             Cognitive psychologists study important mental process such as memory, perception, and learning. Memory refers to the ability to recall bits of information that had been acquired and stored in the past. An individual's memory helps them to learn new concepts, speak, and interact with others. Perception is another aspect of the human mind, which psychologists have studied frequently. Perception refers to the way an individual sees the world to be and the reason as to why we hold those particular views. Cognitive psychologists with a specialty in perception are usually able to predict the future behavior of some individuals (McLeod, 2007). Thoughts are not usually confined to our brains, but they occur through a network, which expands, to our bodies. Cognitive psychologist of the early times defined thoughts as being the activity, which resides in the brain. This is because, sensory data is tapped through the eyes, ears, and fingers and the minds convert the signals into disembodied representations. These representations are manipulated by the mind in a process called thinking. The body is able to collect sensory information in the same manner in which a computer gathers information via the keyboard and mouse. The traditional view of cognition holds that the brain is responsible for an individual's thinking (Aschwanden, 2013).
             However, more studies that are recent are against the traditional view of cognition. The studies suggest that thoughts have an inextricable link to physical experiences. Cognitive psychologists have established that it is not our bodies only which influence thought. However, thought is a system, which takes places in the brain simultaneously in relation to the body and physical environment around us. In fact, the world is perceived in terms of the ability of individuals to act on the environment. An object can be perceived differently by different individuals depending on what an individual intends to do with it and their ability to perform the action (Aschwanden, 2013).

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