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Biblical Basis for Christian Counseling


             Another example is Joseph (son of Jacob).
             Jacob had twelve sons- Joseph the youngest and favorite to his father – envied by his brothers- dreams- taking food for brothers- sold to Egyptians-slave-from dearest son to a slave-lost even the identity as a free man- blessed in Potiphar's house-In charge of the house- Potiphar's wife- false accusation- again lost everything- in the prison- Kings dream- revealing the secret-next to Pharaoh- Better than what was previous.
             Insights: (are for counselor's understanding to be strong and not for the counselee).
             Why we get upset with God is because we want him to use power the way we want. God is God, we are not. We can only live the mystery.
             In situation like these Theology cannot give answers, but spirituality can. We emphasize theology more and try to give theological answers, only spirituality can answer. (Job's friends gave theology/ only spirituality helped).
             What is important is the human freedom till the very end to decide.
             In the debate of life it is always afflictions and controversies that bring greater truth.
             Evil is dualistic, separates the body from soul, heart from head, human form divine.
             God may use evil and affliction to bring better things in life.(to to give reason but to give hope that a better thing will come).
             Issues to Address and Assess.
             Potential Issues for the Counselor.
             One of the main potential issues is stress, when the counselor listens to the counselee their condition might be bothering, their talking will influence our feelings, when the client is upset counselor is upset, taking into the feelings and also thinking to find the best possible way to react will creates a lot of stress. If the stress is not handled properly it will result in burnout.
             Another issue may be the counselor's background and unresolved issues. Sometimes the counselee may reflect what the counselor faced previously and is not fully out of it. The counselor will have to deal with their own feelings and also with the counselee.

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