I think what Billy was going through with us was called behavioral descriptions. Not all linguistic problems come from misunderstandings (textbook pg. 114). Sometimes people understand one another perfectly and still end up in conflict ( textbook pg. 114). I understand why he did what he did and that depression can take over your life. In the end we were still hurt by his actions and my step son for sure was hurt as he was suppose to be his mentor. When Billy stopped coming around because he was embarrassed over what happened my son would ask all the time where he was why he hasn't been around anymore. With him suppose to be his mentor we couldn't keep lying to him so we had to finally tell him the truth on what happened. Just recently Billy has started to come back around and be with our family again and begin to be that mentor that my son is suppose to be looking up to for guidance. .
When I'm in class I think I am a completely different person. I am quiet I won't really talk or engage in conversation with anyone. I always sit in the back of the class and I have even done this in high school. If the teacher asks for volunteers on anything I am the last person to raise my hand and volunteer. If the teacher asks questions about a problem that the class is working on very seldom will I ask for help or volunteer to answer any questions. I think I get this way because I would rather sit back and watch and observe. I also think its an environment that I'm not as comfortable in as I am at home. I also think that is why I would rather take classes online. Communicators can experience convergence in cyberspace as well as in face to face interactions (Text pg. 108). When I'm at home I have the freedom to move around I'm not stuck in one spot for over an hour listening to a lecture. Not that lectures are bad but I think I am more of a visual learner and a hands on learner. By taking classes online at home it also entails me to continue to run my business and get my kids to and from school, and stay active in their lives.