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Credit and a Competitive Market


             2. Level of Growth and Development.
             2.1 Development of Private Properties.
             According to URA, the amount of private properties in Singapore has been increasing steadily over the years. The available units of private residential properties has seen sharp increases over the year range of 2006-2012 while the available space of commercial and industrial private properties has only seen moderate increases over the year range of 2006-2012. In addition, there was a decrease in commercial space in the year 2007 (Refer to appendix 8.1 & 8.3).
             The units of private residential properties being developed each year has been increasing sharply over the year range of 2006-2012 and the increase of residential properties only started slowing down in the year 2012 (Refer to appendix 8.2). On the other hand, the private commercial and industrial space being developed each year has been increasing steadily up till 2009 and the increase started to slow down in the subsequent years (Refer to appendix 8.4). One of the major reasons why the residential property market has been faring better than the commercial or industrial property market is because of the sharp inflation of residential property prices caused by the property market boom back in 2007.
             2.2 Prices of Private Properties (Residential).
             The prices of private properties can be considered as a major driver of the property developers as property developers need large amount of capitals to develop a property and most of their capital comes from their retained earnings. As of 2012, the property price index shows that the category of residential property has the highest price followed by industrial properties and commercial properties (Refer to appendix 8.5).
             From the property price index, the prices of residential properties increased sharply in 2007 due to the residential property market boom and the sharp increase in price coincided with sharp increase of residential properties developed in 2008.

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