It is noted in various studies done across multiple years that girls that grow up in lower income homes, abusive back grounds especially those that have been victimized through childhood sexual abuse. .
Among the articles I reviewed there was a consensus on childhood sexual abuse on several levels. These levels included; what sexual health indicators were, potential future sexual behavior, factors that complicate the effects of abuse and the treatment for the victimization. When researching the sexual health of childhood sexual abuse victims the indicators were; sexually transmitted infections, the risky sexual behavior index, sexual health problems, sexual anxiety along with satisfaction and fear, and positive and negative sexual affect and their self concept. When a victim of childhood sexual abuse was paired with another source of victimization or maltreatment, were at a greater propensity to have poorer sexual health indicators and therefore more likely to develop unhealthy sexual behaviors' such as; transient sexual partners, unprotected sexual activities, sex at a younger age, generally before 13.
The limitations among the literature generally come to a consensus. The amount of limitations is extensive this may be due to the issue and it's explicitness (CITE FEMALE DIFFICULTIES). There areas where the limitations exist are in the questions, data gathering methodology, inclusivity and agreement upon definitions. In regards to the limitations surrounding the questions in the literature, the article "Multiple Forms of Childhood Victimization and Sexual Health Outcomes" states that there were very few questions that were asked in order to assess participants childhood maltreatment (CITE MULTIPILE FORMS). This particular limitation was also discussed in the articles "Post Trauma Moderators in the Childhood Sexual Abuse- Teenage Pregnancy/ Teenage Childbirth Relationships.