Monarch operates on the basis of the Council of Ministers which may not reject or ignore. As a result, the United Kingdom is governed by the government on behalf of the Monarchy. Monarchy belongs to convene, extension activities and disbanding the parliament, appoint and a retired ministers, the appointment of judges, military officers, governors, diplomats, bishops, appointing peers, broadcast princely titles and other honors and the awarding of a total or partial pardon. An important feature is the appointment of the Prime Minister. The Queen has a special relationship with the Prime Minister. Although is a constitutional monarch and remains politically neutral, The Queen communicates with the Prime Minister in the weekly audiences. If The Queen or the Prime Minister are not able to meet they communicate by telephone. These meetings are confidential, they expressed their views and giving advice. Prime Minister every day can ask for the dissolution of parliament. .
When the Sovereign is appointing a Prime Minister everything is guided by constitutional conventions. The most important requirement is to look for someone who can command the confidence of House of Commons. This is secured by nominating the leader of the party with an overall majority of places in House of Commons, but there can be exceptional circumstances when The Queen could need to exercise discretion in order to ensure that her Government is carried on.When a potential Prime Minister is summoned to Buckingham Palace, The Queen will ask a potential Prime Minister if she or he will able to form a government. They are two possible realistic responses. Acceptance is the most usual. Problem begins if the situation is uncertain then the potential Prime Minister may adopt an exploratory committee, returning later to report or failure or a success. After a new Prime Minister has been appointed, the Court Circular will record that "the Prime Minister kissed hands on appointment".